Meet Our Instructors

Our qualified Black Belt instructors possess a deep understanding of the technical aspects of Brazilian jiu jitsu and embody the values that make this martial art so transformative.

With a focus on discipline, respect, and continuous improvement, we create an environment where every student feels supported.

Jason Harris

  • Jason Harris is a first-degree Black Belt under Master Renato Tavares. Jason was born and raised in Titusville. He started training jiujitsu in 2008 and then opened Red Panda BJJ in 2017. His wife Michelle and three kids also train BJJ.

Caleb Harris

  • Bio Coming Soon

Book Your First Class FREE

“Great family place, friendly people and wonderful atmosphere. Truly the best gym ever!
If you're thinking about jiu-jitsu, try the free class and you'll be hooked!!” - Sam M.